Contact Us

Curious Chaser is an online sexual health resource managed by PozBear and Jason. You can contact us about any aspect of this website and we will be happy to respond to all genuine and respectful messages promptly as soon as we can. If you are considering sending a message that is inappropriate or designed to evoke hurtful emotions, save yourself and everyone else time and energy, as messages like this will be deleted and the contents of the message will be ignored. We aim to respond to messages within 24 hours, so please be patient if you are waiting for a reply.

Do you have something you would like to share?

Many sections at this website are interactive and welcome contributions from anyone who would like to share their thoughts and/or experiences. If you have something you would like to share to enhance this resource and make it better for everyone, please take a look throughout this website to locate submission forms on the interactive pages to get started.

Have you found a bad bug in the system?

As this website is maintained by human beings, there’s the potential for errors and/or system issues to occur. If you notice something that appears to be inaccurate or doesn’t seem to be functioning properly, please provide as much information as possible about the problem by using the contact form below and include any relevant errors you are experiencing.

Do you have any feedback or suggestions?

This website can always be improved and new features can be added if they aren’t already on offer. If you would like to provide feedback or share your suggestions, you are welcome to use the contact form below. Any ideas you have will be considered, whether they are good or bad, big or small, so don’t be shy and share your feedback or suggestions.

Is there something else that’s on your mind?

There could be another reason you are wanting to reach out that hasn’t been mentioned yet. If you have any concerns, problems compliments or anything that you would like to share, you’re welcome to use the contact form below and say whatever is on your mind.


A note about your privacy.

When you provide your name and email address using the contact form above, you can be assured that your details will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone else. The form will be delivered using encrypted technology and your email address will only be used to reply to your message and your personal details will not be shared with others. Please only use an email address that is your own and one that you are comfortable receiving messages involving not safe for work content and also check to ensure you have entered the correct email address, otherwise we won’t be able to reply to your message.