
Create a Registered Member Account

Becoming a registered member at Curious Chaser is quick and easy and offers you several benefits. Not only is it easy to create an account at Curious Chaser, it’s also free and will remain free forever.

Benefits of a Membership
  • Comment Assist – you do not need to enter your name and email address whenever you leave a comment.
  • Exclusive Content – access unrestricted articles and content only available for registered members.
  • Membership Profile – create your personal profile and be added to the membership directory.
  • Periodic Updates – receive timely periodic updates, including website news before everyone else.
  • Private Messaging – send private messages to other registered members. (coming soon)
Signing up is Easy

You can create a registered member account quickly and easily by clicking on this link to create your profile. Once you sign up your account will be approved immediately, so you can start enjoying the benefits of your membership right away. After creating your account, you can set your profile photo and background photo and it can even feature explicit adult content if you want to. You can self-manage your profile or delete your profile at any time, which keeps you in full control at all times.