Rules and Guidelines

This Website is a place where everyone can feel safe as they learn more about the subject matter that is discussed here. To ensure everyone remains compliant with the rules, it’s important to clearly set out what the rules are so they are easy for everyone to understand and follow.


Registered members are welcome to leave comments on articles published at this Website. Please ensure any comments remain relevant, respectful and helpful. As comments are moderated before they are approved, any comments that are deemed to be inappropriate at the sole discretion of the webmaster will be deleted. So that as many comments can be approved as possible, please refrain from using language that is abusive, derogatory, inflammatory or slanderous.


The creator of this Website has made himself available to receive and reply to all messages received via email. Everyone is welcome to send messages, but please ensure any comments remain respectful. Any messages that are deemed to be inappropriate at the sole discretion of the webmaster will be deleted. If the intention is to send messages that are designed to be hurtful, these kinds of messages will not be taken personally and will simply be discarded.


Many aspects of this Website welcome visitor interaction, where you can post your experiences and share information with others. Interaction is strongly encouraged to make this Website better for everyone, but please ensure any contributions you wish to share are helpful and do not contain language that is abusive, derogatory, inflammatory or slanderous. All contributions are reviewed prior to being published, so if the content of the contributions are deemed to be inappropriate at the sole discretion of the webmaster, they will be deleted and not published.